Mar 12, 2010

Babies are rolling in at Yes, We Cater...

For any of those curious beings out there, the core of Yes, We Cater has become much sweeter !!! Chef  and co-founder, Mark Zablow and his wife Yanit were blessed with a little baby boy on 2/18/2010.  His name is Abe Liam Zablow...very cool, and built with a butt to hang in a harness while daddy prepares the "traditional" 25 dishes for a wedding or any large-scale event.  At the very least he will bring the women to the kitchen to admire his cheeks...

Also, 18 short days later Mr and Mrs Vallese were blessed with a son of their own on 3/8/2010.  The number 18 stands for Chai (for life) in Hebrew.  We just birthed this number twice in a row...coincidence?
I think not!  The next generation is drinking milk every three hours in a "hard-core" catering conditioning regiment.  Chef Donnie and his wife Amanda are due this week and chef Justin and his Fiancee are due in 3 weeks.  That's 4 within 5 weeks...Importance?

Well, if you were aware of any of these pregnancies, no more sitting and waiting - You now know that these blessings are in full effect.  And if you were not aware of these pregnancies, the relevance is that you should not expect your caterers to be rushing off to any delivery rooms this Wedding season.  We are ready for you!  We are in the middle of tasting season, and boy are we having fun.  The weather is changing and that is an "eye opener" and a "breath of fresh air" for all of those OUTDOOR brides...

We knew there was a sun, and that sun will be out on your wedding day.  We are believers, as you should be too!  Gotta go, catering a Women's shabbaton in Oakland in the morning.  But first, baby feeding at 3:30 AM........................................


1 comment:

  1. Mark, thank you for a wonderful Sisterhood Shabbaton event at Rodef Shalom this morning. It was very well done and all of the women were raving about the food.

    Mazel Tov to you and Yanit on Abe and Congratulations to the Vallese's for John Jr. I'm not going to drink your water, but I'm very happy for everyone at Yes We Cater! You guys rock!

    I look forward to seeing you again soon.

    By the way, I love the new website and the quote at the beginning is one that I use every day of my life when talking to people about SendOutCards, but I guess you knew that! :)

